Mall Walking
Mall Walking Hours
Monday-Saturday: 8:00am-CLOSE
Sunday: 10:00am-CLOSE
*The mall does not officially open until 10am (11am on Sunday). While walking, please use caution in the areas that our maintenance department may be utilizing.
Mall Mileage
Two times around following the map below and walking close to the inside walls is 1 mile.
Walking one time around the perimeter of the parking lot is approximately 1 mile.

Benefits of Walking Daily
Reduces stress levels
Enhances and improves mood
Improves heart health
Aids weight loss
Helps regulate blood pressure
Improves circulation
Strengthens bones
Boosts immunity
Builds muscle strength
Aids digestion
Benefits of Walking in the Fingerlakes Mall
No bad weather It's warm in winter and cool in summer
Walk before shoppers arrive and enjoy the quiet
Walk at your own pace
It's totally free! No need to worry about gym dues, memberships, or payments!